Meet Dr. William Reichenstein, CFA, Social Security and Optimal Asset Withdrawal Strategies Speaker
Experience, Recognition, Background
Dr. William Reichenstein, CFA, is an expert in Social Security and optimal asset withdrawal strategies.
He holds the Pat and Thomas R. Powers Chair in Investment Management at Baylor University. His recent work concentrates on the interaction between investments and taxes.
Bill is the author of In the Presence of Taxes: Applications of After-Tax Asset Valuations (FPA Press, 2008), and co-authored with William Jennings Integrating Investments & the Tax Code (John Wiley & Sons (2003).
He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Investing, Contributing Editor-Portfolio Strategies for (American Association of Individual Investors) AAII Journal, and served two three-year terms as Associate Editor of Financial Services Review. He is a member of the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Financial Planning, Advisory Board of Journal of Wealth Management, and Editorial Board of Journal of Financial Education. He is a TIAA-CREF Institute Fellow, past president of the Southwestern Finance Association, and served on the Private Wealth Advisory Committee of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts.
Additionally, he has written more than 150 articles for professional and academic journals. He is a frequent contributor to Journal of Financial Planning, Journal of Investing, Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Portfolio Management, and Journal of Wealth Management.

Dr. William Reichenstein's Social Security and Asset Withdrawal Strategies Expertise
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Professor Reichenstein advocates calculating an individual’s after-tax asset allocation that is based on after-tax balances in each savings vehicle.
His research shows creating a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy to generate retirement income can add up to seven years of added longevity for someone in retirement. He believes financial advisors can add considerable value to clients’ portfolios by helping them combine a smart Social Security claiming strategy with a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy that minimizes the adverse consequences of these tax-code complexities, while taking advantage of the more favorable tax environment that is scheduled to exist through 2025.
The rules for accumulating savings for retirement do not apply when family transitions to decumulation and needs to figure out how to tap savings to support their spending. Generating retirement income from savings is complicated and needs to incorporate key variables like Social Security, Medicare, Roth Conversions, and tax minimization.
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